Highlands Ridge, Savanna Shores, Majestic Pointe
Service Info & Sign-up Form
These are the services that are available to you at no additional cost.
Free & Automatically Delivered: We’ll automatically deliver 1 landfill (trash) cart and 1 recycling cart before starting date.
Free Upon Request: If you request it in the form, you’re also eligible, at no additional cost, to receive 1 yard waste cart, delivered in the spring.
Not Free: You can purchase additional carts if needed. Just note in the form and we’ll reach out to set up an account.
Carts Out Night Before: Pickup times vary, so please put your carts out the night before.
Holiday Delays: Service is delayed by a day during holidays if the holiday occurs on a weekday. Calendar listed here.
Weather Delays: We update our phone line, the banner at the top of this website, and send an email. Add info@gretnasanitation.com to your address book so you receive it.
Follow these guidelines for conistent service
Place Carts at the Curb 3 Feet Apart: We use automated trucks, so in order to ensure they are emptied, please place them at the curb with the front of the cart facing the street.
All Materials Inside Cart: Anything outside of the carts will not be removed.
Large Items that do not fit in a cart will be your personal responsibility. You can contact us for a bulky pickup order.
Yes, it gets recycled!
Watch to see how your material will be recycled.
We collect recyclables separately and ensure they actually get recycled by sending them to the area’s top recycling center, First Star Recycling
Recycling Guide
Note: no glass is acceptable in recycling. Apart from the guide, reference this chart for specific items. And please, no plastic bags unless they are Hefty EnergyBag’s.
Yard Waste
Composting with Soil Dynamics — Yes, it gets composted and you get soil & mulch discounts
Here’s what we do with your yard waste. Please keep trash out! :)
Many companies let you mix yard waste in & trash together. That means it’s going to the landfill to put off methane gas for years to come. Instead, we collect yard waste separately and compost it with our affiliate company, Soil Dynamics Composting Farm.
Yard Waste collected April through November
During this time, we’ll collect your yard waste separately and will compost it. During the off-season, you may use your yard waste cart for landfill.
Customers get 20% off our Soil & Mulch
Since you helped create it, enjoy an annual 20% discount on any soil, finished compost, and mulch from our Soil Dynamics affiliate.
Yard Waste Guide
Yard Material Only
Please, no plastic bags or plastic, glass, or metal of any kind.
Don’t Let Grass Get Stuck
A common call we get is about grass sticking to the bottom of the cart after service. A proactive way to get around this is to put cardboard or folded yard waste bags at the bottom of your cart.