Gretna Sanitation: Residential Landfill, Recycling, Yard Waste Service of the Greater Omaha Area
Waste hauling services for residential homes in Sarpy, Douglas & Cass County. We’re local, family-owned, and eco-friendly.

We’re a local, eco-friendly, and family-owned residential trash hauling service.

Staff holiday party, 2023

You’ll love our customer service — as we have the highest Google rating for residential haulers in the area.

You’ll get the best recycling program since we bring it to First Star, the area's leading recycling facility.

Your money stays local since we’re local & family-owned.

And to boot, we’re a fun crew, as shown in our obligatory “do something funny” holiday party photo.

Am I best friends with Hayley? The experience getting set up for service with her was incredible. She’s witty, answers questions with lots of detail (so you don’t have as much follow up!), and definitely sold me on using Gretna Sanitation over competitors. So while I’m not BFFs with Hayley in real life; we did have a good trash talk session together.
— Google review
I have to say the customer service at Gretna Sanitation is the absolute best. Thanks to Maggie and Mike for making every week a joy to put my trash by the curb.
— Google review
Our SID has graciously decided to cover our trash service! But it is with another company:( Mike has been a rockstar collector for Gretna and we will miss him! Email communications with Maggie have always been timely and helpful. Our new service can only hope to compare! Again thank you!
— Google review


Residential Services


Service Areas

Servicing the Greater Omaha Area, including SarpyDouglasCass County. Depending on where you live, some limitations on service availability apply. Our service areas are steadily expanding, so please check with us if you live outside these blue bubbles.

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Curbside Landfill Pickup

Collection Times: Every week

Bonus: Keeping your money local by supporting a family-owned business

Pricing: Pricing depends on location, billed monthly

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Curbside Recycling Pickup

We haul to First Star, the area’s top recycling center. Meaning more of your stuff actually gets recycled.

Collection Time: Every-other-week

Pricing: Pricing depends on location, billed monthly.

Recycling Guide: Learn how to recycle better here.

yard waste hauling service

Curbside Yard Material Pickup

Collecting residential yard material, and in select areas, composting it at Soil Dynamics — the only industrial composting farm in the area.

Collection Time: Weekly from April through November

Bonus: 20% off soil & mulch, plus helping reduce landfill methane emissions while putting nutrients back into Nebraskan land.

Pricing: Pricing depends on location, billed monthly. Running April-November.


Customer Benefits

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Supporting Local + Great Customer Service

Keep your money local by supporting our family-owned business based in Gretna. Plus, we’re the area’s highest-rated residential hauler, so you’ll get a great customer experience.

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Supporting Planet

More of your materials get recycled through our First Star Recycling partnership. Your separated yard material is guaranteed to be composted (and wind up in local gardens) through the area’s only industrial composting facility we operate. Our trucks run on clean compressed natural gas.


Getting Discounts

All Gretna Sanitation customers get 20% off the soil & mulch you helped to create.


About Us

It all started with earnest naivety & fistfuls of grit one day in 2007 when Gretna-raised Andy Harpenau saw a dump truck drive by and said, "Well, how hard can that be?" So the Harpenau family got into the waste hauling industry. 

Little did they know at the time, following that trash truck would send them down the road to usher in a new era of sustainability for our community by creating the Omaha area’s only industrial composting farm

Read more about our company’s history.



Affiliate Companies

Omaha Commercial Hauling Services

Hillside Solutions:

Commercial Hauling Services

Making going Zero Waste easy for businesses, schools, and churches through consulting & hauling. Providing basic landfilling needs while offering the most robust recycling & composting services.

nebraska mulch

Soil Dynamics:

Soil & Mulch

Soil Dynamics is the Omaha Metro Area’s only industrial composting facility and it’s where your yard material ends up going before filling gardens & farms around our community with nutrient-dense soil.


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